Sunday, October 13, 2019

How To Conduct Effective Market Research In A Matter Of Minutes

One of the easiest ways I conduct market research is with a website called Answer The Public. You can plug in keywords or groupings of words related to your industry and learn what types of questions people are asking online about the topic. Pictured below is a full schematic I received back in 5 seconds after plugging in “How to buy a house” when I was doing research for a real estate client I had.

Another thing you can do is follow what I call the PIGGLY method: Search Pinterest, Instagram, Google, Groups, LinkedIn, and YouTube in one window of Google, while keeping a spreadsheet open to plug in keywords. This helps to see what’s currently showing up within your industry, the language people are using with regard to the needs/wants/desires, and the best platforms to use when presenting your content. Pay close attention to the most commonly used words on Pinterest boards, especially the pins with numbers. For example, I’m more prone to clicking on a pin that says “20 Instant Pot Recipes to cook in 20 minutes or less” than I am to click on a pin that says “Instant Pot Recipes”. Similarly, pay attention to the different sites you see listed in your Google search. While you don’t see Twitter listed within the PIGGLY acronym, while searching the first G (being Google), you may learn that Twitter has the most content for your niche. When you hit Groups, make sure you focus on one group where your ideal clients are spending their time, chatting about the very thing they need help with that you have the solution for. Have fun with it and get some great feedback.

Once you have this completed, you can write a blog or create a video (Livestream or prerecorded) to present to those very people. Be sure to give your audience a heads-up that you will be teaching them at a specific date and time. You can do this with your email list, like Active Campaign, or with a messenger automation software, like Manychat.

This is where it gets really fun. As you’re conducting your video based on the market research you’ve already done, you’ll find that your audience will thank you for your guidance, provide feedback, and give even more drilled-questions.

When I teach, I try to keep my videos within about 10 minutes, though sometimes I get “in the zone” and go longer…but that just means I have an engaged audience so my chances for booking calls or acquire paying clients are vastly improved. Also, when I have a well-engaged audience, I will use that video over again; meaning, I’ll use the Facebook Creator Studio on my business page to schedule that same video out for different audiences to consume.

Work smarter, not harder.

Don’t forget to Press Live With Purpose™.

Leto, Out.

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